Pool School
How big of a pool do I need? What shape is best?
In order to answer these questions, there are a few key points to consider.
Pools can be safe if proper safety measures are taken and followed. Here are some important considerations to ensure safety around pools:
Proper fencing and barriers: The pool should be fenced and have barriers to prevent access by unauthorized persons, especially children. The fence should be at least 4 feet high and have a self-closing, self-latching gate.
Supervision: Never leave children unattended near the pool. Children should always be supervised by a responsible adult who knows how to swim and is capable of performing CPR.
Proper pool maintenance: Regular maintenance and cleaning of the pool are important to keep the water clean and clear. The pool should be properly treated with chemicals, and the water should be tested regularly.
Pool rules: Establish pool rules, such as no running, no diving in shallow water, and no swimming alone. Make sure all pool users are aware of these rules and follow them.
Learn CPR: Knowing how to perform CPR can save lives in case of an emergency. It is important for pool owners and users to learn CPR and refresh their skills regularly.
Overall, with proper safety measures in place and followed consistently, pools can be a safe and enjoyable activity for all.
While residential pools can provide an excellent source of entertainment and exercise for both humans and pets, they also pose a significant risk to dogs if proper safety precautions are not taken.
It’s important to remember that not all dogs are strong swimmers, and some breeds, such as Bulldogs or Pugs, may have difficulty staying afloat due to their body shape. Even dogs that are good swimmers can become disoriented or exhausted in a pool, especially if they’re unable to find a way out.
To keep your dog safe around a residential pool, here are some tips to follow:
- Always supervise your dog around the pool, and don’t leave them unattended, even for a short time.
- Teach your dog to swim and gradually introduce them to the water, starting with the shallow end of the pool.
- Consider getting a pool alarm or fence to prevent your dog from accidentally falling in.
- Invest in a life jacket for your dog, especially if they’re not a confident swimmer.
- Keep the pool water clean and well-maintained to prevent your dog from getting sick from ingesting or inhaling contaminated water.
With proper safety measures in place, a residential pool can be a fun and safe place for your dog to enjoy.
There are several ways to heat a pool, depending on your budget, the size of your pool, and your preferences. Here are some common methods:
Heat Pumps: Heat pumps use electricity to extract heat from the surrounding air and transfer it to your pool. They are best used in air temperature ranges of 60-90 degrees. Heat pumps do not work below 55 degrees air temperature.
Gas Heaters: Gas heaters use natural gas or propane to heat the pool water. They are effective and can quickly raise the water temperature but can be expensive to operate.
Electric Heaters: Electric heaters use electricity to heat the pool water. They are easy to install and can heat the water quickly. These heaters tend to have high power requirements but can also be expensive to operate.
Ultimately, the best way to heat your pool will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Heaters are a great way to extend your swim season and get the most out of your pool.
This not only refers to the physical size but also refers to the location of the House, Property Lines, Easements, Utilities, etc. Understanding these factors will help determine the available space for your pool.
A pool is a natural gathering feature. Knowing how often you entertain groups and how large they are can help you determine if the larger model pool is warranted. That being said, no kid has ever refused to swim in a pool because it was too small!
Liner, Fiberglass and Concrete
There are many shapes to choose from. Pools generally fall into two categories, freeform and rectilinear. Most pool features work on both types and there are plenty of size options as well. While available space can be a deciding factor this choice is almost always a personal preference of style.
When deciding on shape and size understanding the primary users of the pool is helpful. Will swimmers want to relax? If so, a shallower pool is preferred possibly with a tanning ledge and benches. Will swimmers want to do laps? If you have someone who wants to swim laps we recommend a pool with an open swim lane and be over 30 feet in length. Will swimmers want to dive or jump in for more active play? If so, you will want a pool that is at least five feet deep for jumping in and eight feet deep for diving. Are your swimmers into sports? Playing volleyball and basketball in the pool can be great fun and having a shallow area for this is usually preferred.